Monday, January 17, 2011

Catching Up!

So it's almost ten at night and I probably should be getting some work done, but instead I decided that I should update our blog a bit (for the three people that probably read it). Things have been a little hectic lately. My entire family came out for Christmas, which was awesome. I think Liz figured that it had been like 7 years since all of my family has been together. It was definately time. We played lots of games and ate some delicious food (thanks Mom!). Our girls are getting so big. Paisley talks constantly and it mostly consists of "Mom,...." followed by pointing or telling me about her shirt, sissy, her barbie or just pretty much anything to get my attention. Scarlett is still so sweet, and boy does she love her big sister. Even after the occasional injury induced by the said big sister, she is right back at her heels trying to do whatever she is doing! Steven and I are doing great. Steven is changing to swing shift in a few weeks and I couldn't be more excited. It will be nice not to be a lone at night for a change. Other than that, not too much to report! Enjoy the pictures!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

As I attempt to start our blog again (since it has been over a year since my last post, with a total of 5 post all together) I am remind why that was the case. I have been sitting here for 40 minutes working on this one post!! I guess I need to learn to use the save feature a little more often.

Things have been a little crazy here this summer. Steven's sister and her daughters moved in with us for a few months, then moved our. Steven has been working double shifts and has three weeks coming up of more overtime (don't get me wrong, I'm grateful it's just that I like my husband). I got called as 1st counselor in Young Women's and that is a little time consuming. Not to mention that I have two girls under two. That in and of itself takes all my energy some days!!

So I am turning over a new leaf and am determined to be a better blogger!! There I said it, now if only someone could hold me to it!!

Paisley it getting so old! She is tall enough to reach in and take things out of my kitchen drawers. So cute and yet so frustrating at times. She loves her sister and is Mamma's big helper. She loves to console her sister when she is crying, by smacking her on the back....and Scar loves it! She can now say; milk, Shelby, book, Binky (sounds more like minky), and snack.

Scarlett is such a sweetie. She is the smiliest baby I have ever met. It doesn't hurt that she inherited her Dad's HUGE smile. She can scoot her little body all over the place. I was cooking the other day and she came in to play by my feet from our family room.

Well I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of myself for accomplishing one post. Now I just have to figure out what to post next......